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A conscious re-start

Here I am: a new beginning, a new title, a new logo, a new website, a fresh new set intention.

Openness, flow and curiosity are probably the words that mostly apply to this brand new re-start.

A simpler vision is now accompanying my journey, acting as a clear map helping me navigate through the darkness of thick expectations and assumptions.

As my colleagues replied to one of my previous blogs, uncertainty is the essential tool for learning as it gives you the privilege of discovery and growth.

I can now label myself with 2 new professional titles, however these are not conclusive of all of my capabilities, rather reflect my engagement into learning and development so far.

After completing my Sports Massage training course in December, and having deferred my MA to Jan's start, I finally had plenty of time to go through the reading material of the life coach course I had purchased back in March last year. Weirdly enough, I started finding concepts that the MA programme would enquire me about later.

Particularly, this quote by Clarke Moustakas (1923-2012) caught my attention: ''When a person acts without knowledge of what he thinks, feels, needs or wants, he does not yet have the option of choosing to act differently''. It is an eye-opening statement to me, as it means when you know, you have the freedom to choose.

Researching more on the life of this American psychologist I find a passage in one of his writings, The Sense of Self, that stands out most to me: ''Once, as I sat with a child, I met him with a concentrated and watchful hovering, absorbing as fully as I could every word and motion, trying with deliberate effort to comprehend the exact meaning of his expression. ..If I could help him see how, in giving up his own wishes and interests and ways, he had denied his own unique heritage and destiny. If only I could help him realize that he was a worthy self.. these were among the personality changes which distinguished my work as successful psychotherapy or failure''.

By reading these lines, once again, I understood two things: keeping the door of learning open makes you reveal the worthiness of your life, and the mutually nourishing relationship between student and mentor/teacher/facilitator is vital to the success of any learning processes.

I can now state I am open to discover new concepts and ideas and move through them with a new conscious value of my somatic movement practice.

1. Moustakas C. The Sense of Self. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1961;1(1):20-34. doi:10.1177/002216786100100104


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